About Us

embroidery, cross stitch, needlework

In today’s crowded market, making the right choice can be daunting. However, ESC Digitizing stands tall as a leading design and digitizing company globally. With years of experience under our belt, we specialize in a wide array of services including printing, machine embroidery digitizing, and logo embroidery.

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to quality, affordability, and efficiency. Our track record speaks for itself, with countless satisfied clients attesting to our dedication to delivering top-tier services promptly and at competitive rates.

At ESC Digitizing, we take pride in offering high-quality digitized embroidery services at prices that won’t break the bank. Our skilled team is adept at creating intricate and stunning designs that meet and exceed industry standards. Moreover, we tailor our services to meet the unique needs and preferences of each client, ensuring maximum satisfaction.

Customer happiness is our priority at ESC Digitizing. With a team of experienced professionals at the helm, we guarantee seamless execution and impeccable results with every project. Our designs are crafted with precision to minimize material wastage and ensure smooth operation on your machines.

In summary, ESC Digitizing is your go-to destination for all your design and digitizing needs. Experience excellence with us as we continue to redefine industry standards.

Experience Exceptional Service

ESC Digitizing leads the pack in embroidery digitizing services, offering unparalleled quality at incredibly affordable rates worldwide. Our outsourcing solutions and exceptional service ensure seamless integration into your business operations, saving you substantial costs. Rest assured, our embroidery logo digitizing services prioritize your privacy and confidentiality.

At ESC Digitizing, we specialize in Custom Applique Designs that encompass a wide range of resources. With years of industry experience, our seasoned professionals guarantee flawlessly digitized designs at the most competitive rates. Enjoy timely delivery, reliable service, and unparalleled quality with every order.


assorted-color yarns
orange flowering plant drawing

Quality Within Reach

At ESC Digitizing, we understand the importance of affordability without compromising on quality. Why settle for less when you can have superior digitizing services that fit your budget? Our commitment lies in delivering top-notch work promptly, all while keeping costs manageable. Say goodbye to inflated prices with our cost-effective solutions tailored to meet your needs.

Exemplary Craftsmanship

At ESC Digitizing, we prioritize quality above all else. Our primary objective is to provide our customers with the exceptional quality they desire and deserve. We are dedicated to ensuring that every project we undertake reflects the highest standards of craftsmanship. Our ultimate aim is to ensure that our customers feel they have received outstanding value for their investment.

white and black cat print round decor
red and brown floral wallet

Rapid Turnaround Guaranteed

With ESC Digitizing, you can expect lightning-fast service. Thanks to our extensive network of highly skilled digitizers and vector artists, we have the capability to meet your demands swiftly. In fact, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver your projects in as little as 3 to 4 hours, ensuring your deadlines are always met with ease.

Edit & Modification Services

At ESC Digitizing, we prioritize perfection. Our edit and modification services ensure your complete satisfaction. Whether it’s resizing, color adjustments, or text modifications, our team is available 24/7. We’re dedicated to meeting your exact specifications and offer revisions at little to no extra cost.

Not happy with your sew-out? No problem. We’ll tirelessly edit your design until it meets your standards, all at no additional charge. Our expertise extends to fine-tuning existing designs, from fixing thread breaks to adjusting stitch counts.

Trust ESC Digitizing for all your editing needs. Improperly digitized designs can damage your embroidery machine.

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