Refund Policy

Welcome to ESC Digitizing. Please review our refund policy.

At ESC Digitizing, we prioritize your satisfaction. If for any reason you are not entirely pleased with your purchase, we offer a comprehensive refund policy to ensure your peace of mind.

Conditions for Refund:

Eligibility: You are eligible for a refund within 120 days from the date of purchase.
Dissatisfaction: To qualify for a refund, you must express dissatisfaction with the quality or outcome of our services.
Resolution Attempt: We kindly request that you allow us the opportunity to address any concerns or issues you may have through our edit and revision process. Our aim is to resolve your concerns promptly and to your satisfaction.

Refund Procedure:

Notification: If, after reasonable attempts to resolve the issue, you remain unsatisfied, please notify us via email at within the 120-day timeframe. Include your order details and a clear explanation of the problem you encountered.
Evaluation: Upon receiving your refund request, our team will promptly evaluate the circumstances and the validity of your claim.
Refund Issuance: If your request meets the conditions outlined in our refund policy, we will initiate a full refund of the cost of your order.

Please note:

Refunds will be processed using the original method of payment.
It may take some time for the refunded amount to reflect in your account, depending on your financial institution’s processing time.


This website contains material owned by or licensed to ESC Digitizing. This material includes company information, blogs, texts, designs & layouts, appearances & photographs. Reproduction of the content is strictly prohibited.

We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our services. If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding our refund policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your trust and satisfaction are of utmost importance to us.
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